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What if...I give a little update

Well it has been a month since my last update but that doesn't mean I haven't made progress! The major project of the last month was really packing up and moving out of my 2 classrooms down in Casa Grande. That was an emotional process but I have survived! My boxes are all neatly stored away in my home office for the time being which also means it's a bit cramped in there and difficult to pull out my smaller projects. That hasn't stopped me - but rather slowed me a bit.

We also had a lovely trip to Colorado the first week of June which gave me the chance to get a few treasures for Project Wonderland as well. Click each image for a little blurb about it.

I also got the opportunity to begin purchasing new materials for the cultural infusion I hope to bring to therapy thanks to the generous donation I received personally from the President of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America.

And finally, tonight I was able to finish up this piece - painting the roses red! I may spray it with a clear lacquer to brighten it up a bit.

Little by little this project is taking shape! I can't wait for July 19th when I'll gain access to my little corner of the world at my new school so I can begin to install my vision of speech and language therapy in wonderland :-)

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